UPDATE: 14 July 2018 Australia’s prawn fisheries’ ongoing commitment to a more targeted and efficient catch is not just better for the industry’s profitability but earns it respect amongst the community. As part of a national project to explain and adapt techniques for greater bycatch reduction and improved catch efficiency in each fishery, seven workshops
The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2018 (NSILP 2018) is the leadership platform being delivered through funding from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) and developed, managed and delivered by Rural Training Initiatives P/L. The NSILP 2018 is the only national industry specific leadership program for the Australian seafood industry and was designed in
Snapshot With research commitments spanning on-water, through the supply chain and at point of sale, ACPF is on track to bring more results to fishers via the 2016-2020 RD&E Industry Partnership Agreement (IPA) with FRDC. 30% of our way through the IPA we are also close to having 30% of Research, Development and Extension funds
Rarely do fishers from around the country get together in one room and talk about how trawl gear can be adapted to suit fishing conditions and to exclude unwanted species however representatives from all prawn fishing jurisdictions met at a workshop in Sydney in February to do just that. The purpose of the workshop was