On-board design for faster processing

On-board processing - KM Machinery visits Australia
On-board processing - KM Machinery visits Australia

On-board processing efficiency – Part 2

As part of the Fight Food Waste CRC/ACPF/FRDC project, Kaj Christensen from KM Machinery, Denmark has completed a first visit to Australia to look at on-board processing systems and met with owners and/or skippers from Gulf St Vincent, Spencer Gulf and Shark Bay heard to discuss the latest innovations and gear used internationally. Kaj also met with a number of Port Lincoln and Fremantle business owners interested in more efficient solutions ranging from bycatch handling, grading and packaging.

Kaj returns to Australia to visit ports on the QLD and NSW coasts in November.

Kaj will be providing advice to ACPF on solutions for a range of on-board processing configurations as part of the project. To assist with identifying priorities, project partners will be seeking input from ACPF members on needs and aspirations for on-board processing and packaging gear, packaging materials, digital traceability and new product preservation opportunities, including through an online survey.

Links to the online survey will be forwarded via ACPF member associations within the next week, with results being collated and provided back to ACPF members by December/January.

Related Post: On-board processing efficiency

Header image from left:
Jayden Correia, David Correia, Kaj Christensen and Daniel Correia
Right side images from left:
David Correia, Daniel Correia, Kaj Christensen and Jayden Correia
Kaj Christensen, Peter Lombardo and Gary Larson
On-board processing efficiency - Kaj Christensen from KM Machinery visits WA
On-board processing efficiency - Kaj Christensen from KM Machinery visits WA

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