Months away from the close of the 2017-18 LAP campaign, the campaign has only a few items left to deliver. Highlights of new items in the market over summer are:
Tasty style how to cook videos being stagger-released on the Love Australian Prawns Facebook page, with one video released on 3 January already viewed 50,000 times – watch it here.
- 30,000 wine bottles with the LAP logo applied to the bottle neck which have been sighted in food service establishments across the country.
- A 100 page recipe book of publishable standard as merchandise for sale by retailers and available to consumers
The draft LAP 2018-19 campaign is to be tabled on 2 May 2018. ACPF is committed to the original LAP strategy to keep Australian prawns ‘’special’’. To achieve the aim, LAP 2017-18 targeted a mix of seafood retailers, supermarkets and food service with digital and physical material. Members feedback on the 2017/18 campaign and ideas for the 2018/19 campaign is welcome by mid April.
Feature Image: Love Australian Prawns logo on a wine bottle at the Enlighten Festival in Canberra, March 2018