Market 2016

Packing prawns for market

Packing prawns for marketThe recent detection of White Spot Disease (WSD) in several South Qld prawn farms and in wild prawns in the Logan River – a first for Australia – has resulted in restrictions being placed on transhipment of some products by Western Australia and New South Wales. Apart from French Polynesia which bans imports from countries with WSD, there are no other confirmed export trade embargoes on Australian prawns at this time. We will advise of any updates or change to protocols however if you experience any trade barriers related to WSD please let Annie or Rachel know.
2016 was a good year with prices above average across Australia with demand boosted by the ongoing Love Australian Prawn (LAP) campaign. Market reports from around the country were volunteered as follows:

Northern Prawn:

“Prices were generally up 20% for Tigers, Banana and Endeavours this year. Our big win was significant demand and price increase for large size Tiger prawns. Our neighbouring Indonesian Fishery remains closed leaving a big hole in export markets such as Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Most operators have sold out before Christmas which is a great result considering it’s still the second best tiger prawn season in a decade.” Dylan Skinns

Qld East Coast:

“We have experienced record high prices for our king prawns this year. Demand seems much higher this year compared to last. You would expect some of this demand can be attributed to the Love Australian Prawn Campaign.” Stephen Murphy


“Better than average yield and process for Eastern Kings and school prawns generally in all fisheries but with some areas impacted by environmental conditions eg Clarence River and the season started late.” Tricia Beattie

St Vincent:

“St Vincent Gulf is experiencing prices at least 20% higher than last season with demand out stripping supply. Historically a dramatic price drop is normal for the low season (May June and July), but this year demand for product has maintained a much higher winter price. Pre Christmas prices will be at record levels. Obviously demand is high, but the national marketing strategy must take well earned credit.” Kim Justice

Spencer Gulf:

“The Spencer Gulf catches for 2016 were up on previous years thanks to the healthy nature of our fishery. Despite higher catch volumes, prices continued to steadily increase on previous years with strong demand both domestically and internationally. Locally the end consumer is driving the demand for our wild caught prawns which in part is the result of the positive Love Australian Prawn campaign.” Terry Richardson

Shark Bay:

“The 2016 Shark Bay Prawn catches were slightly down on last year, however prices were consistently well up across all species and sizes. Would expect that all prawns caught from this fishery are all sold and demand should be strong leading into the beginning of next year’s start. It’s encouraging also to see that patriotism is back in Australia and wholesalers are being driven by end users to buy more local product that is Caught, Packed and Produced here in Australia.” Simon Little

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