Catch innovation – calling fishers who have a problem to solve

Up to $4000 is provided each year for a fisher to investigate a problem (eg bycatch solutions, on-board processing, social licence, etc) as part of ACPF’s People development budget. There’s no intention to exclude the wise and seasoned, but the offer is aimed at next generation fishers with ideas to test!

ACPF is calling for fishers who have a prawn fishing problem to solve by:

  1. Travelling to another fishery, or another fishery sector to investigate solutions to the problem they’ve identified
  2. Attending a related conference/seminar on the topic, and
  3. Reporting back to ACPF’s next Board meeting in 2018 (usually March) with their recommendations

ACPF would like to hear from any interested fisher with the problem they would like to tackle, their plan of investigation and the proposed budget by 15th January 2018.

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