Environmental front foot

As trawl fishing becomes the increasing topic of conversation amongst activists and policy makers, the ACPF has partnered with the FRDC to fund a Program of Environment related work aiming toi position the wild prawn sector as ocean stewards.

Approved in May the Program:

  • Works with our stakeholders to communicate the environmental facts and achievements of prawn trawling to the next generation.
  • Invests to reduce trawl impact –in both near term and initiatives that future proof the sector.
  • Invests in partnerships as Australia heads toward Net Zero and favours industries that regenerate nature.
  • Will be overseen by a Steering Committee consisting of:
    • Neil MacDonald as Chair; Chay Haldane (Skipper, Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery), Neil Mogensen (Owner/skipper Qld), Bryan van Wyk (Fleet Operations Manager, Austral Fisheries), Dr Mervi Kangas (recently retired from Principal Research Scientist, DPIRD -WA), Annissa Lawrence (Managing Director/Founder OceanEarth Foundation and formerly Tierra Mar) and Chris Izzo (FRDC).
  • Will receive advice from the Program’s Think Tank – a technical group whose role it is to provide technical advice (gear, benthic impact and fuel efficiency) with the aim of reducing trawl impacts.
  • Is supported by the Program’s Project Officer, Mark Nelson. Mark started with the ACPF in July in a Part Time capacity and has a marine science and industry background. Mark’s first task has been to turn international and national research project results into bite sized pieces for animation.  The topics range across benthic impact, carbon footprint, overfishing, climate change and bycatch.  Mark will support the Steering Committee, Think Tank, subproject contracting and Program reporting.

The Program has sought advice from The Bravery on the best way to reach the next generation with social media content, designed film and a social media strategy in response to that advice and commissioned film producers Millstream Productions.

The ACPF intends to make a submission on the Australian Government’s Sustainable Oceans Plan in September. The ACPF has accepted Minister Plibersek’s invitation to attend the Global Nature Positive Summit in October 2024.

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